Jill Knueppel Massage Therapy
Practices for body, mind & spirit that support your reach for wellbeing
Polarity Therapy

Polarity Therapy is a natural health care system that works with the human energy field. Work with this field is based on the ancient, mostly Eastern, understanding that every form in nature is in its most basic form derived from energy patterns. The flow and balance of energy within the human being can be affected at many levels – spiritual, emotional, physical – in positive and negative ways. Injury, emotional problems, and illness can block or throw energy patterns off balance. Polarity Therapy uses a variety of methods to address energy imbalances and blockages.

Polarity Therapy Techniques 

Body Work:  A series of contacts of a practitioner's hands are made on a client's body. Energy patterns are identified and blockages are addressed between contacts made at varying levels of pressure.

Diet:  Polarity therapy diets encourage cleansing the digestive system and longevity by emphasis on the use of fresh wholesome food, adapted to each client's needs.

Exercise:  Polarity therapy includes its own form of Yoga, a series of simple poses meant to encourage the energy flow within the body and aid in greater physical balance and flexibility.

Self Awareness:  During a polarity therapy session, a practitioner listens carefully and asks questions that help to promote greater client self-awareness and more positive perspectives on the world.

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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