Jill Knueppel Massage Therapy
Practices for body, mind & spirit that support your reach for wellbeing
Pregnancy Massage

Pre and peri-natal massage is Swedish massage modified for the differing needs of the pregnant woman throughout the term of her pregnancy. During the first appointment, the therapist asks for an expectant mother's health history as well as specific information about her pregnancy, including high risk factors that may be at issue. This type of massage is done with the knowledge and permission of the mother's primary pregnancy healthcare provider. As her body changes from week to week throughout this special time, there are different positioning and bodywork techniques that the therapist uses to keep the mother and baby safe and supported. Potential benefits of pre and peri-natal massage are as follows:

  • Reduces stress & promotes relaxation and normal blood pressure
  • Relieves muscle spasms, cramps and myofascial pain, especially in the back, neck, hips and legs
  • Increases blood and lymph circulation and supports the physiological processes of pregnancy 
  • Reduces stress on weight-bearing joints and eases musculoskeletal strains and pain
  • Provides emotional support and physical nurturance
  • Enhances kinesthetic awareness and the ability to relax deeply which may be helpful during labor
  • Offers labor supportive techniques that may increase comfort during labor
  • Promotes shorter, less painful labors and reduction of complications, including pre-maturity and interventions
  • Assists postpartum restoration of abdomen and weight-bearing muscles and joints
  • Provides new mothers postpartum support with the physical and emotional aspects of infant care
  • Promotes healing, including post-cesarean scars
Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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